
What is the
The Community Hub Project is a strategic development that will provide additional resources to the community, add life to vacant properties, and create a permanent home for HCCF.
In addition to HCCF office space, the design includes:
Community board room
Co-working office space
Residential units
Outdoor green space
Want to learn more about the effort or get involved? Call or email Mackenzie, mackenzie@huroncounty.com, 989-269-2850.
Community Hub News
The place for information and project updates about the Community Hub in downtown Bad Axe! If you’re thinking “what’s going on at the corner?”, this page will answer that question with accurate and up to date information.
Demolition of 101 N. Port Crescent was completed during the week of July 15th. This step helps ready the site for the new Community Hub.
Demolition of 101 N. Port Crescent will begin in md-July 2024 to prepare the site for the future Community Hub.
Pardon our dust! Asbestos removal began at the end of February 2023 and is now completed. The removal of this, and other materials, from both structures is the first step of the environmental remediation process.
Following more than 18 months of environmental testing and planning, The Huron County Community Foundation is excited to share that public facing activity is coming to the future Community Hub site at 101 N Port Crescent and 101 W Huron Ave. in Bad Axe.
With every month, excitement and interest in the Community Hub project grows. HCCF staff and volunteers are being asked a version of “so….what’s happening at the corner?” on a regular basis. Here is an update on the status.
The first step in any clean up process is assessing the level of contamination. Multiple rounds of soil borings, sampling more than 20 feet down into the earth, were conducted on the site to assess the level of ground contamination. Additional testing was done on the buildings slated for demolition to determine if there were contaminants present. Finally, testing was done on the vapors and air coming into the future Community Hub to ensure a high air quality for all who use the space moving forward.
On August 3, the State of Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) announced a $600,000 Brownfield Redevelopment Grant to help support the clean up of the site during redevelopment.
After many tours and discussions, HCCF started acquiring property to bring the Community Hub to life. On September 16, 2020, HCCF closed on 101 N. Port Crescent. The demolition of this existing structure will be instrumental in redeveloping the entire corner. After preliminary environmental testing on the property, the Huron County Community Foundation officially closed on the 101 W. Huron Ave building June 30, 2021
In 2018, Foundation leadership began the work of updating HCCF’s strategic priorities: retaining and attracting talent, creating vibrant and dynamic communities, and cultivating an environment for business development. With the strategic vision in mind, the Foundation was looking for a space that would serve as an office as well as providing a community hub that would support and catalyze the updated priorities. Read more about the journey to the Hub Project here.
DTE Energy was on site on March 25, 2024 to disconnect electrical hook ups from both 101 N Port Crescent and 101 W Huron Ave. Utility disconnection is the next step in preparing the site for demolition and remediation activities.