Grants Available: Prevention of Youth Drug and Alcohol Use, Peer to Peer Issues
The HCCF’s Youth Advisory Council would like to use the results from our recent Needs Assessment Survey of our area youth to make a difference in our community through our grant making opportunities! We are looking for organizations involved in the prevention of issues surrounding youth drug and alcohol use, as well as peer-to-peer issues such as bullying. We would like to be in touch with these organizations in order to determine where our grant funds can be best allocated to meet the needs of Huron County’s youth. Please contact our YAC Advisor, Emily Polega at by May 8th with a description of your organization and a contact person if you would be interested in being considered for grant funds from the YAC this year.
These were the results of a Needs Assessment survey that asked Huron County 7th, 9th, and 11th graders what the biggest issue was in their community.