Harbor Beach Education Endowments
Partnership between Huron County Community Foundation and Harbor Beach Community Schools grows
The Harbor Beach Education Endowments (HBEE) is the newest development in the ongoing partnership between the Huron County Community Foundation (HCCF) and local school districts. The HBEE is an effort to increase community awareness of endowments that support Harbor Beach Community Schools. The HBEE has an advisory committee that will be assisting in making funding decisions and growing the endowments.
Members of the Harbor Beach Education Endowments Advisory Committee celebrate the launch of the HBEE
At the April 17 meeting of the Harbor Beach Community Schools (HBCS) School Board, Superintendent Bill Chilman and HCCF Executive Director re-signed an agreement for the Pirate Fund. The Pirate Fund at HCCF is the first fund of the HBEE. Originally established in 2007, the Pirate Fund had been dormant, seeing few gifts and little growth. With the re-signing, HCCF and HBCS hope to reinvigorate excitement and community awareness of the fund. At the Board Meeting, two donations were received, one anonymous and the other from the Harbor Beach Athletic Association, to boost the Pirate Fund over the $10,000 growth milestone. The Pirate Fund will now annually provide dollars to HBCS. Those dollars will be used based on recommendations from the HBEE Committee.
In August, a second fund will be added to the HBEE. The Storrs Family Children's Savings Accounts (CSA) will be the first CSA program in Huron County. The CSA program will be a partnership between HBCS, HCCF, and a to be determined financial partner. The CSA program seeks to increase financial literacy, begin career and postsecondary planning conversations at a young age, and provide resources to graduating seniors to support their next steps. A savings account will be created for each student upon enrollment at HBCS. A contribution will be added each year that the student is enrolled at HBCS. Family members will also be able to contribute to the account of their student throughout their time at HBCS.
HCCF will manage the endowment and disbursements to students upon successful graduation. HBCS will facilitate the participation of students. The financial partner will manage the accounts and provide financial literacy education. The HBEE will advise on disbursements and annual contributions to each student’s fund.
The Harbor Beach Education Endowments are tools to help Harbor Beach Community Schools students thrive. If you have questions about giving to the endowments or starting a new endowment fund, please contact Mackenzie 989-269-2850, mackenzie@huroncounty.com.